Hoomans, we know it’s been a hard year fur you guys, and we want you to know that we are hair for you. Purr yourself a cuppa, sit back and relax while you read our top ten tips fur surviving and thriving during lockdown. Take it furm us, we are after all the expurrts in relaxing…
Furst let us introduce ourselves, fur anyone who doesn’t already know, we are the pawsome rescue kitties of Pause Cat Cafe in Bournemeowth. Usually we spend our time entertailing people in the cafe and attempting to steal their yummy food while the cattendants are distracted. While we all hunker down to keep covid at bay and keep our loved ones safe, we thought we’d share our supurr tips for a smashing lockdown.
Purr you ready? Hair goes!
Working from home requires strict cattention, we know how impurrtant it is that our hooman pals concentrate and we are hair to help. Regular breaks help you retail your focus and a good giggle can boost creativity and mood. Cute tabby Petrus Pause demonstrates his expurrt help in this video:
Stave off those lockdown lumps and bumps with a bit of DIY keep-fit. Pull up a video on MewTube fur some inspawation. Gym closed? Nefur fear! It’s the time to get creative and use what you have in the house. Cat food tins make great weights, and have you efur tried lifting a bag of litter? If you need a bit of meowtivation check out pure white beauty Queen Michelle Pause practicing her sparring skills to the Rocky theme-tune:
So we might be locked down right now but that’s no excuse for chowing down the cheese. Save piling on the pawnds by keeping your snacks healthy. Whilst we prefur tuna, we are reliably infurmed that you hoomans should eat your vegetapawls. Bear Pause is obsessed with carrots and hair she is determined to get her veggie fix:
Treat pawself to someowthing fun, the great thing is that it’ll arrive in a box. Efurypawdy loves boxes! They are so purrsatile. You can sit in them. You can chew them. You can sit in them. Ameowzing.
Petrus Pause is having a nibble:
Visiting your fafurite restaurants might be on paws at the meowment but that shouldn’t stop you furm expawimenting with food. Rooney Pause is the inspurration behind Pause Cat Cafe and he keeps owner Jaya in check at home. Rooney has difurse tastes and he’s not shy to try something mew… that bread roll is purrty tasty:
Creativity helps while away the hours and keeps your brain active. Turn off Netflix and grab something a litterl more interactive. Crafting, pawticulture, culinary meowsterpieces…whatever tickles your fancy. Purrctice makes pawfect. When Bear isn’t chewing carrots you can find her brushing up her mewsical skills, playing the piano:
It’s a great time for using the car less and trying out new meowds of transpawtation to get your groceries. Plenty of people are getting into walking, cycling, electric scooters…we pampurred cats at Pause prefur to ride in style on our human taxis. Clifford Pause is the king of the cafe and thus travels in suitably regal fashion.
Just beclaws you’re locked down, doesn’t mean you can’t stay connected. Not ones to miss out on the latest trend, we haired it’s all about Zoom these days. Well, we are well trained in Zooming. Have you haired of the zoomies? That’s when we get a bit crazy and run around supurr fast, like so:
Replace with zoomies *It can be a trying time when we are cooped up toge-fur*. What better way to bond than to share a meal? Rooney demonstrates this ethos purrfectly by letting his slave know that it’s his turn for some peas. Bring that fork here hooman!
If you have to stay in then best make it cosy! Create yourself a comfy cat cave haven at home. Be more cat by snuggling up with cushions, blankets, hot water bottles, soft lighting and relaxing mewsic. Here’s Bear to show you how it’s done:
Make sure you take a leaf out of ginger bros Max and Pumpkin’s book and maintail your family bonds. Whefur it be online or in purrson, set aside some time to show your loved ones you really care, especially if you’ve been a bit snappy lately. Don’t furget to say “I love mew”. You nefur know when you’ll be seeing them again…unless you are locked down togefur, in which case you do know. All the time. You see each other all the time.